
Common Grammar Mistakes: Discuss common errors people make in English grammar, such as subject-verb agreement, apostrophe usage, and comma splices

Language structure shapes the foundation of powerful correspondence in English. Whether you’re composing a paper, sending an email, or having a discussion, legitimate language is fundamental. In any case, numerous people frequently commit normal language errors without acknowledging it. In this article, we’ll investigate three normal mistakes: subject-action word understanding, punctuation utilization, and comma grafts. We’ll separate these complicated ideas into basic terms to assist you with staying away from these traps in your composition. You can join spoken English live classes.

Correspondence is an esteemed expertise in the labor force. Utilizing the right language shows tender loving care and compelling correspondence, two abilities that are important to current and forthcoming bosses. Composed correspondence that is liberated from syntactic mistakes in the manner you spell words, complete sentences, and use accentuation all show how powerful you are as a communicator. You can learn English communication by joining an online spoken English course. Here are normal syntax errors to address in your composition:

Spelling a word wrong

At the point when you type, changing a word or leaving out a letter is simple. At the point when you finish a piece of composing, really look at you’re spelling by rehashing your work or utilizing a computerized device to help search for blunders.


Incorrect: I would like a piece of pie.

Correct: I would like a piece of pie.

Picking some unacceptable word

Looking for the right word doesn’t generally mean you track it down. You could pick a word that looks or sounds comparable yet doesn’t have a similar definition. For instance, “free” signifies something isn’t tight, while “lose” signifies to lose something. To communicate more efficiently you can join an advanced English course online.


Incorrect: My colleague said he utilized a monetary organizer to assist with picking his stocks so he wouldn’t free cash.

Correct: My collaborator said he utilized a monetary organizer to assist with picking his stocks so he wouldn’t lose cash.

Subject-Action word Arrangement

Subject-action word understanding resembles a dance between the subject (the practitioner) and the action word (the activity). They should be as one, or the sentence will shout out key. This is the way to keep away from this misstep:

 Singular Versus Plural Subjects

At the point when you have a particular subject, the action word ought to likewise be solitary, and when you have a plural subject, the action word ought to be plural.

Incorrect: She stroll to school consistently.

Correct: She strolls to school consistently.

In the mistaken model, “walk” ought to be “strolls” to match the solitary subject “She.”

Incorrect: They was playing soccer.

Correct: They were playing soccer.

In the wrong model, “was” ought to be “were” to match the plural subject “They.”

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Endless Pronouns

Endless pronouns like “everybody,” “no one,” and “everything” are particular and require solitary action words.

Incorrect: Everyone need a piece of cake.

Correct: Everyone needs a piece of cake.

Here, “needs” concurs with the solitary pronoun “Everyone.”

Compound Subjects

At the point when you have at least two subjects joined by “and,” utilize a plural action word.

Incorrect: Tom and Jerry is companions.

Correct: Tom and Jerry are companions.

In the wrong model, “is” ought to be “are” to match the compound subject “Tom and Jerry.”

Aggregate Things

Aggregate things, like “group,” “family,” and “class,” can be precarious. They can take either particular or plural action words relying upon the specific situation.

Incorrect: The group are playing great.

Correct: The group is playing great.

For this situation, “group” is treated as a solitary unit. If you have communication problem, you can join English conversation classes.

Punctuation Utilization

Punctuations can be confounding; however, they fill a particular need to show ownership or to demonstrate missing letters in constrictions.


Utilize punctuation to show proprietorship or ownership.

Incorrect: The canines toys are dissipated.

Correct: The canines’ toys are dissipated..

In the right model, the punctuation shows that the toys have a place with the canines.


Constrictions are abbreviated types of words where letters are discarded and supplanted with punctuation.

Incorrect: Its a lovely day.

Correct: It’s a lovely day.

Here, “It’s” is a compression for “It is.”

Its versus It’s

Many individuals befuddle “its” and “it’s.” Keep in mind, “its” is possessive, while “it’s” is a constriction for “it is” or “it has.”

Incorrect: The feline is twirling it’s tail.

Correct: The feline is twirling its tail.

In the right model, “its” shows that the tail has a place with the feline. You can join English intermediate course.

Pointless comma

Commas are utilized to separate and gather thoughts. Be that as it may, you may not require a comma even though there are different thoughts in a sentence.


Incorrect: Sharon and Sue, went into the workplace early yesterday, to finish a task.

Correct: Sharon and Sue went into the workplace early yesterday to finish a venture.

“Sharon and Sue went to the workplace” is a free statement (meaning it can remain solitary as a sentence), while “to” is a relational word that begins a subordinate condition (meaning a provision that can’t remain solitary as a sentence yet adds more data to a free proviso).

Comma Grafts

Comma grafts happen when two free statements (complete contemplations) are joined by a comma without a combination. This is mistaken because a comma alone isn’t sufficiently able to associate two complete sentences.

Incorrect: I needed to go to the ocean side, it was a radiant day.

Correct: I needed to go to the ocean side since it was a bright day.

To fix a comma graft, you can utilize a combination (like “in light of the fact that” in the revised model), a semicolon, or separate the provisions into two sentences.

Unclear pronouns

Pronouns replace a thing in a sentence. If there are various subjects in a sentence, pronoun use can get confounding, so attempt to guarantee clear you’re alluding to when you utilize a pronoun. In the accompanying models, “Weave” and “Pete” both may utilize “he” as their favored pronoun, so it very well may be hazy which one shared picture in view of where you use pronouns.


Incorrect: At the point when Weave and Pete were remaining at the show, he utilized virtual entertainment to share pictures.

Correct: At the point when Weave and Pete were remaining at the show, both utilized virtual entertainment to share pictures.

Correct: At the point when they were remaining at the show, they utilized virtual entertainment to share pictures.

To learn more about pronunciation you can learn online English communication course.

Utilizing quotes

While you’re sharing somebody’s accurate words, you offset with quotes when the statement. If your statement closes your sentence, you put the period inside the statement. If not, you can utilize a comma inside the statement to proceed with the sentence.


Incorrect: At the yearly gathering, the President let representatives know this year has been remarkable as a result of you.

Correct: At the yearly gathering, the President told representatives, “This year has been outstanding as a result of you.”

To develop communication skills, you can learn a professional English-speaking course.


You underwrite specific words each time you use them. For instance, consistently underwrite the pronoun “I” and formal people, places or things, which are names of individuals, places, authentic occasions, brand names, days of the week, occasions and a few titles.


Names of individuals, places and gatherings/associations: Auntie Sarah, South America and Public Pet Society

Titles: City chairman Jensen and Sgt. Rodriguez

Verifiable occasions and time spans: The American Upheaval or The Renaissance

Missing words

Attempt to rehash your work to guarantee you haven’t left out little words, like articles and conjunctions that explain a sentence. To guarantee you discover missing words, you might peruse sentences in reverse. You can likewise recite them without holding back or request that a companion glance through them since they might be bound to get the oversight.


Incorrect: I purchased scoring sweepstakes ticket the corner store.

Correct: I purchased my triumphant lottery ticket at the corner store.

Run-on sentence

You can keep away from run-on sentences, which frequently happens when an essayist doesn’t join free statements appropriately, by isolating various thoughts into their own sentences or interfacing free conditions utilizing a comma and a combination.


Incorrect: I needed to visit the zoo, and I needed to see the aquarium, and I likewise needed to visit the pet salvage community.

Correct: I needed to visit the zoo, see the aquarium and visit the pet salvage community.

Correct: I needed to visit the zoo and the aquarium. I additionally needed to visit the pet salvage community.

Pronoun understanding

At the point when you compose, attempt to match the right type of pronoun (plural or solitary) to the subject’s favored pronoun. On the off chance that you don’t have the foggiest idea about their favored pronoun, you can utilize “they” or “there.”


The kid proceeded on the field.

The young men proceeded on the field.

Sam went ahead on the field.

In synopsis, punctuation missteps can sabotage the clearness and adequacy of your correspondence in English. By getting it and keeping away from normal mistakes like subject-action word understanding issues, punctuation abuse, and comma grafts, you can work on your composition and make your messages more exact. Make sure to edit your work cautiously and look for input to additional improve your language structure abilities. Careful discipline brings about promising results, and with time, these ideas will turn out to be natural, assisting you with putting yourself out there obviously and certainly in English. To avoid grammatical mistakes, you can learn Advanced English grammar course and Advanced English learning course.