English Speaking Online Classes near me

Top 5 ways to learn English step by step

Are you the one who wants to learn English faster? If yes, then this article is going to the right path that you can follow and fulfill your dream of speaking English fluently. Joining the best English course online will surely be needed. However, You will be able to learn English very quickly if you follow these very simple tips that I’m going to share below::

1. Right approach:

You must be looking for the best English websites for learning English but something else needs your concern.

To begin with, every learner should be well aware of the right approach that he is going to follow to learn English. There are two approaches: The translation method and the natural method. What are these? let’s discuss them one by one.

Translation method:  in this method, you first think in your native language and then you do the translation of the same into English.

Natural method:  Here, you don’t think in your native language but the English words directly flow in your mind while speaking. It means that you directly think in English.

Now, answer my question. Which approach do you find better and why? Most of the non-native speakers follow the first approach that is absolutely incorrect. If you wish to become a confident and fluent speaker of the English language, first of all, do away with this habit of translation. You can master your communication skills if you follow the right approach.

Why one should prefer the natural approach to the translation approach?

Everyone knows that a good and right start leads to the most desirable outcome. There are many benefits to it. You will be able to become an efficient and confident speaker as you won’t have any language barriers. When you think directly in English, you won’t have to take long pauses to think about the words that you are going to say next. You will also stop using the sound of ‘AHM’ in between as this is the natural sound of the brain that you create when you do the translation.  You will also not have many fillers since your brain is processing the words directly in English. This is recommended that you should join online English classes to understand this in more depth. Now no need to find more English Speaking Online Classes near me, we are one stop solution for this.

2. Make it your habit to think in English:

“Habit is our second nature”. So, to be a fluent speaker. So, to be a fluent English speaker, you must ensure that you do most of your communication in English especially those conversations and activities that you like to do the most. You should find alternative ways to think, learn and speak English in your day-to-day life. This will help you to engage with English regularly and also, it will keep you motivated. You should et continuous exposure to English when you do different activities. In particular, if you like to play games online, make sure that you do it in English. Although it seems a little difficult, if you join English-speaking online classes near you, you will be able to inculcate this in your day-to-day life easily.

 3. Know your areas of improvement:

Before you begin learning English, know what are you supposed to learn i.e what is to be learned, is it grammar, pronunciation, intonation. Overall it means that you should know where are you lacking so that you can pick up the right approach to work on them. You can’t master all the things altogether so go step by step. Be focused and accordingly use the resources available.  The best online English courses will help you to identify your areas of improvement..


The biggest barrier in speaking English is your fear of speaking. The first important thing to be learned is to be positive. Don’t think about the people making you fun. Don’t worry about your mistakes. Don’t let yourself down by saying that you are not learning, you can’t speak confidently. Instead, say, I’m making progress everyday, I’m able to see the visible improvement and other phrases to keep yourself motivated. You should enroll yourself to learn English language online to keep yourself in touch with the English environment. Now no need to find more English Speaking Online Classes near me, we are one stop solution for this.

4. Listen as much as you can:

Are you looking for one-to-one English-speaking classes online to learn English communication? Firstly, you should concentrate on your listening skills rather than this..

We all know the significance of learning and speaking English. ‘A good listener is a good speaker’ Do you agree? Apparently, your answer must be yes. Therefore, you should start listening to English as much as you can. Because when you listen to English words and vocabulary, your brain processes all those words easily and fastly. You may listen to audiobooks, podcasts, watch English movies etc. This won’t only help you to surround yourself with an English environment but also enhance your vocabulary that is key to becoming a confident speaker. You should focus more on the delivery of words by the speaker that will help you understand the importance of variation in your speech. You should communicate to the people everyday so that you can listen more and this is only possible when you join  English speaking online classes wherein the trainer trains you effectively. Now no need to find more English Speaking Online Classes near me, we are one stop solution for this.

However, do you believe, only listening is enough? It must be not.

Here, I will tell you something really very important. You need to do shadowing practice. What does it actually mean? Shadowing somebody means trying to imitate that person as equally as quickly as possible. This way, you will be able to explore yourself more. Whenever you watch a video based on English, and you feel impressed, try to copy that person and see whether you are able to deliver it similarly. If not, keep practicing.

You may also subscribe yourself to podcasts or youtube channels of your interests in English.

5. Record your voice:

It sounds a little weird but my friend, this is the best possible way to measure your improvement in your speaking skills. You don’t need any assistance with this. What you can do is,  you have to pick up any topic of your choice and you will have to talk about this for a specific time duration such as 3 minutes. After you have recorded your voice, you must assess yourself in terms of voice clarity, pronunciation, rate of speech, variation, etc. This is how you will be able to identify your areas of improvement. Imagine, somebody else is listening to you, how would that person feel about it? This is going to make your learning fun as well. You might also come to know that you don’t speak that badly as you think. Now no need to find more English Speaking Online Classes near me, we are one stop solution for this.

The last successful mantra is : BELIEF IN YOURSELF

The biggest barrier in speaking English is your fear of speaking English. The important thing to be learnt is to be positive. Don’t think about people making fun of you, don’t worry about your mistakes. Don’t let yourself down by saying that you are not learning, you can’t speak fluently, etc. Instead, say, I’m making progress everyday, I’m able to see the visible improvement to stay motivated. For this, you should join the best online English courses to measure your performance and learn better.

So, let’s begin and make English learning fun. All the best!