Importance of book reading

Importance of Reading in English

Everyone talks about practicing speaking English when you want to enhance your English communication skills. But, very few acknowledge the significance of reading in becoming a better speaker of the English language. Importance of English reading for beginners can’t be neglected if you wish to become a fluent English speaker. How do you communicate? You communicate with the help of words and from where do you get these all words, either through listening or reading. So, here we are going to talk about how the habit of reading develops your communication skills to the next level. It gives you a strong command and better sentence constructions.

As we are already aware of the fact that books are the real friends who never lie to you and are the real friends of yours. English reading is as important as speaking while learning English communication. We will be discussing how English reading is important furthermore in this article.

Let’s have a look at some really important advantages of English reading.

1. It keeps our mind engaged:

The best advantage of reading is that it keeps our mind busy. When you read the books, you don’t only learn new words but also enhance your analytical and comprehension. It also helps your brain to know about various aspects of life and you can present yourself anywhere and you will never have a lack of knowledge. Reading also helps you to collect and synthesize your thoughts appropriately which in turn will make you an eloquent speaker, as you require to go to the gym to keep yourself fit physically. Similarly, you need to enhance your reading skills to process your mind mentally fit.

2. It helps you strengthen your language skills:

As you keep on reading, you see a gradual but effective change in the way you deliver your thoughts because when you read, you read about different people; you also come to know about the perspectives of others. This is how you make yourself more flexible wherein you accept the opinions of other people. You will be approached by many people if you value and respect the opinion of other people. English reading is very important when we aspire to have strong and efficient communication skills.

3. It helps you to become a strongly opinionated person:

A well-read person is always respected by everyone. You look at any great celebrity today, everyone has a core habit of reading and this is one of the important factors that made them stand at this place. When you sit in a group, you will have to present your opinion with efficacy. If you don’t have ideas, how would you work on this? If you wish to be a strong personality and want everyone to pay attention to what you say, you need to have strong opinions. This is only possible if you read the books regularly.

4. It helps you develop your thinking skills:

Reading regularly, apparently, helps you enhance your thinking capability. When you read a certain genre of the book, most probably, the one you are interested in. You start finding out the reasoning behind different events and you may foresee the outcome and result. This way, you increase your curiosity, which in turn makes you an inquisitive person who is always ready to acquire knowledge. You have to connect with the books you are reading only then you will be able to empathize with the author. For this, you should know about how to read English in easy way.

5. It increases your power of concentration that enriches your productivity:

In this world full of busy events, we tend to lose our focus on the vital things in our life. To grow in your professional career, you need to remain focused. Reading on regular basis inculcated this habit into you and with this increased level of concentration, you will be able to reach the desired goals and objectives.

6. It connects you with the world:

You can’t go to every successful person to ask the secrets of their success but you may walk through their lives by reading the books. This is also not possible to visit every single place, but you may explore the same by going through the books. Books are the pillars that help you to acquire almost every minute detail about your favourite things. In a nutshell, you can connect with the world sitting at your place.

Here, I’m providing you a few very simple tips about how to read English in easy ways.

Now, let’s talk about a few tips to develop reading habits. As we all are aware of the famous saying, “Habit is our second nature”. The first important thing is to build this habit by following the below-mentioned strategies:

1. Choose your favourite genre:

This becomes one of the most crucial elements while reading. If you read any book just for reading sake and you pick any random book, you will never have an interest in reading. So, first of all, find your area of interest and accordingly, choose the books to be read.

2. Make a time table to make this a routine activity:

Good things take time. You cant become an avid reader in a day or a week. You need to follow a regular pattern to be habitual of reading. You can choose your preferable slot of time, and ensure to yourself that you will do reading at the same time every day without a fail.

3. Increase our time limit gradually:

This is a strong recommendation that you should never start reading many pages altogether. Rather, you should keep on increasing your time steadily. This way you will be able to make yourself more comfortable reading the books

4. Keep a 21 day challenge for yourself and strive every day to achieve this:

Lastly, you need to keep yourself encouraged. For this, you need to set some goals that will help you to become a better reader. Generally, if you do any particular activity for 21 continuous days without a break, you inculcate that habit into your nature.

I hope, you will be able to take advantage of this particular blog and if you haven’t still started reading, you will start doing it now.

Here is a list of some of the most read books by various scholars around the world. You might go through these books. You may find these books online as well. There can be multiple other ways  to read English online like reading English newspapers, subscribing to a few reading channels etc.: 

1. The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy

2. To kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

3. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki

4. Think Like a Monk by Jay Shetty

5. Atomic Habits by James Clear

6. Ikigai by  Héctor García and Francesc Miralles

7. Life Hacks of Delhi by Rohit Rohilla

So, keep reading. It’s one of the most marvelous adventures that anyone can have. I hope that this article will be a helping hand to make you aware of importance of reading English and how to read English in easy way.

Happy Reading!!!