How to Write Effective E-mails in English

Writing effective e-mails in English is a very important concern for businesses. A major amount of communication happens via e-mail. But, writing e-mails in English can be challenging, especially if it is a business e-mail and you are a non-native speaker.

Here in this blog, we will discuss how to write e-mails in English and look at tips and tricks to get them done effectively. This will help you communicate your message clearly and professionally. However, English Speaking Course Online can help you learn all the basics of writing an effective e-mail in English.

Understanding the Purpose of Your E-mail

Before you write an e-mail, you need to identify the purpose of writing the e-mail. Do you need information? Are you writing for a meeting confirmation? Are you following up on the previous communication? If the goal of your e-mail is clear to you, framing the mail will be no problem. You can easily avoid unnecessary information.

Next, you need to understand your target audience. Who will receive your mail? What is their position? What is their knowledge? Once you know your audience, using the right language and proper tone will be easy.

Finally, you need to craft an effective subject line, as that will help ensure your e-mail is completely read and responded to. A good subject line should be clear and concise and should reflect the content of your e-mail. To learn more about writing a proper business e-mail, take online Advanced English Classes.

Requesting Information:

Subject: Request for Information on [Subject]

Dear [Recipient],

I am writing to request information regarding [Subject]. [Provide any necessary background information]. Could you please provide me with [specific information]?

Thank you for your assistance.


[Your Name]

Confirming a Meeting:

Subject: Meeting Confirmation for [Date and Time]

Dear [Recipient],

I am writing to confirm our meeting for [Date and Time]. [Provide any necessary details about the meeting]. I look forward to discussing [Subject] with you.

Please let me know if there are any changes or if you require additional information.

Thank you.


[Your Name]

Following Up on a Previous Communication:

Subject: Follow-Up on [Subject]

Dear [Recipient],

I am following up on our previous communication regarding [Subject]. [Provide any necessary background information and summarize the previous communication]. I would like to [state the purpose of your follow-up].

Please let me know if you have any questions or require further information.

Thank you.


[Your Name]

Writing the E-mail

Next, we come to the writing part. Once you know the purpose of your e-mail, you can start writing. Here are specific tips to keep in mind:

Be clear and concise: Get straight to the point and avoid unnecessary information or tangents. Use simple language and avoid jargon or technical terms your audience may not understand. Corporate English Training can help you understand how to write effective e-mails in English.

Use an appropriate tone and language: Use a professional tone and avoid being too casual or informal. Avoid using slang, emoticons, or abbreviations.

Example: Thank you for your assistance.

Include relevant details and information: Provide any necessary background information and specify what you are requesting or confirming.

Example: I am writing to confirm our meeting scheduled for [Date and Time]. [Provide any necessary details about the meeting]. I look forward to discussing [Subject] with you.

  • Start with a greeting – Use a proper greeting like “Dear Ms./Mr.” or simply “Hello,” and then address the recipient’s name.
    • Example: Dear Mr. Smith,
  • Be clear and concise – Get straight to the point and avoid unnecessary information or tangents. Use simple language and avoid any sort of jargon or technical terms that your audience may not understand.
    • Example: I am writing to request the [specific information you need]. Could you please provide me with [specific information]?
  • Use appropriate tone and language – Use a professional tone and avoid being too casual or informal. Do not use slang, emoticons, or abbreviations.
    • Example: Thank you for your assistance.
  • Include details and information – Provide proper background information and specify your need.
    • Example: I am writing to confirm our meeting scheduled for [Date and Time]. [Provide any necessary details about the meeting]. I look forward to discussing [Subject] with you.
  • Add a CTA – End your e-mail with a clear CTA like “Please let me know if you have any queries” or “I look forward to hearing from you.”
    • Example: Please let me know if you have any questions or require further information.

Formatting Your E-mail

In addition to the content of your e-mail, formatting is also important for effective communication. Here are some tips for formatting your e-mail:

Use appropriate fonts and sizes: Use a professional font such as Arial or Times New Roman and avoid using a font size that is too small or too large.

Break up text into paragraphs: Use paragraphs to break up your text and make it easier to read. Each section should focus on a specific point.

Use bullet points and numbering where applicable: Use bullet points or numbering to highlight important points or lists.

Include a signature with your contact information: Include a signature at the end of your e-mail that includes your name, job title, and contact information.


Dear Mr. Lee,

I wanted to thank you for meeting with me last week. I appreciate your insights on the project and look forward to working with you.

Best regards,

Jane Doe

Editing and Proofreading Your E-mail

Once the mail is written, you must edit and proofread it properly. This is mainly to ensure clarity and professionalism. Advanced English Learning Course is how you can learn about the right way of proofreading and editing.

Here are certain tips for editing and proofreading:

1. Check for spelling and grammar errors

Whenever you write a mail, it is good practice to use a spell and grammar checker to check for errors. Read your e-mail loudly to see if any phrase has an error or sounds awkward. It might be that you have missed something while writing.

2. Read out loud to ensure clarity and coherence

Always make sure to read your e-mail aloud, as it can help identify the areas where you need clarity.

3. Have someone review your e-mail

Get your mail proofread by the editor or someone else. A second opinion can do wonders. When someone else reviews your e-mail, they can give you feedback on identifying errors or areas that need improvement.

Tips for Effective E-mail Communication

Let us take a quick look at some tips to keep in mind for effective e-mail communication.

Respond promptly to e-mails – You need to respond to e-mails promptly. This is to avoid delays and ensure effective communication.

Keep your e-mails short and to the point – Avoid adding unnecessary jargon. Keep it concise and to the point.

Avoid using emoticons and slang – Using emoticons and slang can look very unprofessional and create problems in effective communication.

Use a professional e-mail address – Use an e-mail address with your or your company’s name to create a good impression.

Writing effective e-mails in English is important for professional communication. You need to clearly understand the purpose of the mail, know the audience, create effective subject lines, and use the right tone and language. On top of that, if you can format the e-mail properly, edit, proofread, and follow the tips for effective communication, you can create a positive impression and build a good relationship with others.