How to be Fluent in English Communication

Hello everyone! Are you also the one aspiring to become a fluent and eloquent English speaker? If yes, you may fulfil your dream but for this, you will have to be aware of some fundamental things. So, let’s get started. Many students opt for online English speaking course but forget to follow these little things.

You must have experienced that there are people who are very good at their writing skills but not the same at their speaking skills. Don’t you remember your school or college time, you or your friends scored well in writing skills but when it was a question of demonstrating your spoken skills, you couldn’t. Do you know, why? I will help you with that. Just writing is not sufficient. You are recommended to enrol yourself in some English speaking online course to boost your confidence level.


Do you think joining the English communication course would be enough? Firstly, you are supposed to make yourself aware of a few significant things.

The first crucial thing that we all should know is that every language has two aspects: written and spoken. However, we are not aware of the application of these two to communicate. What we have been doing for a long is just focusing on writing and not on speaking. And, unfortunately, we are following the same practice till now. So, what should we do? Let’s try to understand this with this very simple example, how does a child learn to speak? Does he first write? Does he first speak? A child learns to speak first through the art of listening. Then he gradually starts writing. This applies to every other language. This is one of the habits that you should start inculcating in yourself. I hope this makes this very clear that to learn any language, you should first concentrate on speaking, no matter correct or incorrect, and then on writing skills. Remember, if you can speak, you can write and not vice versa.


Now, comes the most important point what is the right approach to speaking in English?’ So far, you must have understood the two aspects of the English language. We all have been teaching and learning English in the most conventional manner i.e translation method.

Translation method: This is the method in which we first think in our native language and then translate the same into English which is an incorrect method. We can never be fluent by following this approach because your mind takes time while translating and you have irrelevant gaps in your speech which is a barrier to fluency. Because here, we are not processing English words but the native words only. Therefore, our brain will not be able to process English words fastly. Most non-native speakers of the English language face this hurdle. For doing this, you need to become habitual of thinking in English which doesn’t sound quite practical in the beginning. You are advised to join some English conversation classes to bring consistency to your learning process.

Now, the question arises what is the way to overcome this hurdle, or what is the right approach to learning and speaking English?

Natural Approach: As mentioned previously, we learn any language in the most effective way when we start thinking in the same language and we surround ourselves more with the same environment. Now you’re meeting with a professional trainer who will help you to think more naturally and constructively, the vocabulary flow is better. The natural approach allows you to not let any non-English word enter your brain while you speak. In short, you have to inculcate the habit of thinking in English quite frequently.

So, what you are supposed to do is to think in English and speak in English. This will help you to bring more consistency and confidence. Once you start practicing this way, you will see the gradual changes and this is the key to becoming fluent.

Where are we going wrong? Most non-native speakers struggle to speak English because we lack the right sort of information and resources. Even if we wish to speak English, we do this in the most non-natural way. I hope, this is now very clear what is the natural and non-natural approach. I hope, you choose the right one.

Why do we come to hear such statements? I can write very well but I am not good at speaking. I hope you know the answer by now.

Remember, if you can speak, you can write and not the other way around.

My dear friends, if you aspire to be fluent, please check whether you have been following the desirable practices or not. If not, make sure you get this fixed and enter the correct zone.


To become a highly advanced speaker, you must take up some Advanced English Grammar Courses to overcome all your grammatical setbacks. Remember, this is just one part of your learning process.

We can’t avoid the fact that one needs to have appropriate knowledge of grammar to become fluent in English but saying, that grammar is the only required part would be incorrect. Knowing grammar alone doesn’t guarantee your fluency. It will not help you to communicate better. Grammar is important but you need to have a good command of the other aspects of communication such as vocabulary, pauses, and sense of proportion.

The interesting part here is that there is a different viewpoint here. Some scholars say grammar is not at all important when we communicate verbally. Do you think, native speakers of the English language think about grammar when they speak? No, not at all. Do we, non-native speakers think in our native language? No.

Therefore, you need to understand that if you practice listening and speaking at the same time. You will see that you will be able to become a better speaker soon. You don’t have to cram up the rules of grammar for this.

Few tips to become fluent:

  1. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes:

You need to start from somewhere. Don’t think about other people or what they will think about your communication. Look for opportunities and speak.

  1. Speak, speak and speak:

There is no shortcut to speaking English. Practice is the only key.

  1. Think in English:

You have to change the way you speak English. You should not translate the words but let yourself think directly in English. You should think in English all the time whether you are eating, working, etc.

  1. Listen:

Focus on your listening skills. A good listener is a good speaker. Download the apps or listen to your favorite podcasts and audiobooks.

  1. Read:

Reading becomes an extremely important activity

if you wish to become a creative and attractive speaker. Reading helps you to enhance your vocabulary too.

In the end, I would suggest that joining an online spoken English course will always be an additional helping hand in making you a better speaker. You may join the course as per your level which means it can be a Beginner English course, Intermediate English Course, Advanced or Business English Course, etc.