
Reading Strategies for All the Avid Learners to Get Advance

For all the advanced learner reading is considered as a fundamental skill but in order to become an advanced reader one needs to have more than just basic comprehension. You need several strategies that enhance your understanding, retention and even critical analysis of what you read. Even if you are student, professional or even a life learner there are some strategies which would surely help you the most out of your reading habit.

One can always consider taking classes of English advanced learning, English intermediate course and advanced English classes too.

  1. Active reading skill- Active reading is considered as a cornerstone of effective reading strategies and instead of passively scanning the text you should engage with it actively. You should ask questions because as you read you have to question the material. Ask yourself what the author’s main point is and what evidence they have provided whether you agree or disagree. This technique helps you keep engaged and helps you think critically. Make precision that is to predict what the text will discuss based on headings, sub heading and even consider your prior knowledge. This helps in improving your brain to look for specific information. Try to connect to prior knowledge by relating a materia to what you already know as this helps you understand and remember new information better. Try to visualize or create mental images of what you are reading as this is particularly helpful when reading descriptive passages.
  2. Skim before you dive- Before diving into the other text you should always take a few moments to skim it which will help you give an overview and prepare your mind for what is coming next. Look for heading and sub heading as they provide a structure for the text and give you an idea of what would be covered in the upcoming text. Highlighted or bolded text are usually considered as key points or terms that the author particularly wanted to emphasize. First and last sentence of a paragraph often contain the main idea of the paragraph and the graph, charts and images are the visual aids which convey information more effectively than the text.
  3. Annotations- Marking up with your text is considered as a valuable habit and it helps you in actively engaging with the material which makes it easier to review later. Consider using a system of underlining or highlighting the notes in the margins. Always highlight or underline the important points. If you come across a particular word or phrase which you don’t know or you lack information in that you should mark it and look it up later. If something catches your attention you should make sure that you make a note of it as it could be a point where you want to express further or a question you have.
  4. Chunking- Large box of text usually can lead to overwhelming and instead of trying to read everything just at once try to break it into smaller parts, manageable sections and focus on one chunk at a time and move on on;y when you feel that you have deeply understood it.
  5. Vocabulary enrichment- Reading is considered as a great way to improve your vocabulary skills and whenever you encounter a word you don’t know try to write it down in a separate notebook or a digital document which includes definition and try to use it in your own sentences in daily life.
  6. Context clues- It is very much important to enrich your vocabulary, you can often decipher the meaning of unfamiliar words by just examining their context within the sentence or paragraph. All the words around an unfamiliar word can surely provide hints about its meaning.
  7. Summarisation- Periodically pause while you are reading to summarize what you have read in your own words as this helps in reforming your understanding of the material and helps you with the retention power.
  8. Question the text- Try to formulate questions as you read each line and as this could be a question about the author’s aru=gument, their evidence or even how the material has been related to your own experience or knowledge. Try to ask questions which could keep your mind engaged and it encourages you while critical thinking.
  9. Re reading- Never be afraid to re read a section which is particularly denser complex because multiple reading is very much necessary to grasp the content fully.
  10. Seek alternate sources- Always when you are dealing with a particular chapter or a specialized topic try to consider finding additional sources such as articles or videos as it could help you gain more information about any particular topic or area.
  11. Multi model learning- Never try to limit yourself to just reading, rather combine reading with other learning methods which includes watching videos, listening to podcasts or even attending lectures on the very same topic. Multiple perspectives in format can surely deepen your level of understanding.
  12. Active note taking- Always take notes as you read and create your summary or note down key points as this helps in reinforcing in comprehension and provides you a useful reference whenever you need to re-visit the material.
  13. Discussions and debates- Always try to engage in debates and discussions which are related to whatever you read as sharing your thoughts and listening to others can surely help you consolidate your understanding and see different perspectives.
  14. Time management- try to lock specific time slots for reading and your day as consistency is key to making progress for an advanced reader and creating a reading schedule which aligns with your goal is considered as a good habit to achieve your goal as an advanced reader.
  15. Read widely- To truly advance your skills of reading you should explore the variety of journals and topics. Don’t ever try to restrict yourself to a single field, rather, reading widely exposes you to different writing styles, viewpoints and knowledgeable areas.
  16. Critical areas- All the advanced readers who don’t really just accept what they read at face value rather they critically assess the authors argument and evidence. Try to evaluate the viability and credibility of the information presented.
  17. Cultural and historical context- Try to understand the context in which the text was written as the historical and cultural background can be considered as a crucial part for interpreting its meaning. This is particularly important when you are reading older text or text from different cultures and backgrounds.
  18. Connect concepts- Always relate whatever you are reading to other concepts or knowledgeable areas as it can lead you to more profound insights and a richer understanding of the material.
  19. Mind mapping- Try to create a visual representation of all the text structure and key ideas by using mind maps or concept maps as they help you in visualizing the relationship between the pieces of information that is provided.
  20. Reflect and review- After finishing each and every text takes a time to reflect on whatever you have learned and how it has connected to your existing knowledge. This reflection reinforced your understanding and helps you to retain the information fully.
  21. Stay updated- For all the non-fiction readers especially in the field of science, technology and also current affairs, always be prepared to update your knowledge as and when new information emerges. Reading is considered as an ongoing process and you have to stay up to date as it is an essential part to become an advanced learner.
  22. Experiment with different mediums- Try to consider different mediums for reading as and when you explore audios books, e books, physical books or even the digital article this cloud be a great help. Each medium offers a distinct reading experience and this may find one that suits your learning style better.
  23. Reading challenges- Try to set reading goals or challenges which could help you motivate yourself and you should aim to read a certain amount of books in a month or explore a new genre as and when you experience challenges it will help you stay engaged and make the reading habit of one and a competitive one.
  24. Join reading groups- Always participate in book clubs or online reading communities as discussing books with others not only provides new perspectives but also keeps you accountable and motivated to read more and more books.
  25. Stay inquisitive- Advance learners always have an insatiable twist for knowledge as you have to maintain your curiosity and passion for learning. You don’t have to just read because you have to; rather you should read because you want to explore new ideas and expand your horizons.

Thus becoming an advanced reader surely requires constant dedication and practice. The above strategies can surely have to maximize your reading experience even if it is academic, professional or personal enrichment. One should try to enroll themselves in advanced English speaking classes, online advanced English classes and even corporate English training to become a good reader. Always remember that reading is not only just about consuming words, rather it about understands and applying knowledge in your everyday life.